1- Releasing the valid beams and re-installing them.
2- Breaking damaged concrete elements and removing rubble.
3- Building cofferdams to block the canal water from the work site.
4- Pumping water from the work site.
5- Reinforcing damaged columns in the concrete base with steel in addition to the installation of reinforcing columns and coverage and casting through two stages.
6- After casting the columns have been completed, the installation of the coverage and reinforcing the crown of the columns starts in parallel with the work of casting prefabricated concrete beams instead of the damaged ones.
7- Installation of beams.
8- Casting linking slabs between beams.
9- Putting the expansion joints between the beams and casting concrete of / 15 /cm thickness above all beams.
10 – Casting asphalt cover.
Project Constraints: Rainy weather conditions which require the pumping of accumulated rainwater from the work site, which may delay implementing the project by the contractual period